spark-dotnet examples - reading and writing csv files

How do you read and write CSV files using the dotnet driver for Apache Spark?

I have a runnable example here:


Let’s take a walkthrough of the demo:

            Console.WriteLine("Hello Spark!");

            var spark = SparkSession

We start with the obligatory “Hello World!”, then we create a new SparkSession.

            //Read a single CSV file
            var source = spark
                            .Option("header", true)
                            .Option("inferShchema", true)
                            .Option("ignoreLeadingWhiteSpace", true)
                            .Option("ignoreTrailingWhiteSpace", true)

Here we read a csv file, the first line of the file contains the column names so we set the option “header” to true. We want to take a guess at the schema so use the option inferSchema. Because the csv has been written with lots of whitespace like “col1, col2” - if we didn’t ignore leading whitespace our second column would be called " col2" which isn’t ideal.

            //Write that CSV into many different CSV files, partitioned by city
                    .Option("header", true)

We now take that single csv file we read in and write it back out, but instead of writing to a single file we break the csv’s into multiple csv’s split on “city”, imagine trying to do that in SSIS!

Now we have a set of csv files, we can read them back in as one data set, we can specify the folder they are in rather than each individual csv file:

var partitions = spark
                            .Option("header", true)
                            .Option("ignoreLeadingWhiteSpace", true)
                            .Option("ignoreTrailingWhiteSpace", true)
                            .Schema("name string, age int, city string") //instead of inferSchema we specify the schema

partitions is now a dataframe that contains all of the csv’s we created earlier, neat hey? Notice also that we can specify the schema really easily using .Schema("name string, age int, city string").

 partitions.Write().Mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).Option("header", true).Csv("./output-single-partition-again");

Write the dataframe, of all the csv’s, back into one csv file.

Here we see that a single csv “source.csv” was read, multiple csv’s partitioned by “city” were written and read and then finally a single csv was written back out again:

spark-dotnet csv reading and writing