Exploring the Spark Connect gRPC API more

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Goal of this post

In this post we will continue looking at the gRPC API and the AnalyzePlan method which takes a plan and analyzes it. To be honest I expected this to be longer but decided just to do the AnalyzePlan method. There are a few more API’s like ReleaseExecute, InterruptAsync, and ReattachExecute that I was going to cover but changed my mind so consider this part of the last post :).


This call is fairly self explanatory and easy to call, we pass it a plan and it returns the analyzed version of it:

var channel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress("http://localhost:15002", new GrpcChannelOptions(){});
await channel.ConnectAsync();

var client = new SparkConnectService.SparkConnectServiceClient(channel);
var sessionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

var response = client.AnalyzePlan(new AnalyzePlanRequest()
    ClientType = ".NET Awesome",
    SessionId = sessionId,
    Explain = new AnalyzePlanRequest.Types.Explain()
        ExplainMode = AnalyzePlanRequest.Types.Explain.Types.ExplainMode.Extended,
        Plan = new Plan()
            Root = new Relation()
                ShowString = new ShowString()
                    Input = new Relation()
                        Range = new Range()
                            Start = 0, End = 100, Step = 2, NumPartitions = 1


When running produces:

== Parsed Logical Plan ==
LocalRelation [show_string#76]

== Analyzed Logical Plan ==
show_string: string
LocalRelation [show_string#76]

== Optimized Logical Plan ==
LocalRelation [show_string#76]

== Physical Plan ==
LocalTableScan [show_string#76]

Obviously the more complicated plan you pass in, the more data you will see. There are a few different types of plans that we can get back, controlled by the ExplainMode which can be any of:

  • AnalyzePlanRequest.Types.Explain.Types.ExplainMode.Simple
  • AnalyzePlanRequest.Types.Explain.Types.ExplainMode.Extended
  • AnalyzePlanRequest.Types.Explain.Types.ExplainMode.Codegen
  • AnalyzePlanRequest.Types.Explain.Types.ExplainMode.Cost
  • AnalyzePlanRequest.Types.Explain.Types.ExplainMode.Formatted